Gamification of Learning and its Impact on E-learning

  Sarath       January 25, 2022

Using elements of games in a non-gaming context is becoming common. Websites, mobile applications and online activities like digital marketing and other services use gamification as an effective tool. Gamification is a way of involving the principles of a game including game design elements in a non-gaming context. For example, the common aspects of a game like getting rewards for accomplishing tasks and progression into different levels are adapted into contexts like learning. This ensures that the learning process turns out to be a fun and exciting one. 

Gamified Learning is a stream where the usage of gaming elements is used for better engagement of students in the learning process. The theory of gamification in education is very simple - learning through fun. The whole learning process gets exciting with the incorporation of gaming elements like goals, achievements etc. The general purpose of a video game is to entertain people and the same applies to gamifying education, which makes learning a more active and engaging process.

Gamification and game-based learning are two similar concepts with different uses. Gamification as mentioned earlier is the use of gaming elements in the learning process while game-based learning is where the whole idea of gaming is inherent in the learning process. The latter does not treat game elements as a separate aspect like the former. Different kinds of game elements like points, achievements, leaderboards etc are used in learning activities and are often chosen depending on the course and the outcomes.  

XP or Game Points

Like grades, students are given points or XP(as seen in games) as rewards for completing various tasks. And these tasks are set in a way that students get a chance to choose from multiple options. This makes the whole learning process a flexible activity.


Introducing leaderboards in a learning environment induces a competitive spirit among the students as such in a game. It motivates students to perform better and attain positions or ranks by actively participating in learning activities.


Similar to ranks, badges also act as a reward where students are acknowledged for their efforts with titles like best performer etc. These badges can encourage students to be active participants in learning activities.

All these aspects are widely applicable to both offline and online learning activities. Online learning has witnessed a huge shift in the past years, with more technological advancements. Learning is no longer limited as a classroom activity and the rise of online learning platforms is an example of this change. Online learning is supported by educational apps, videos and other multimedia files. Introducing gaming components into such applications and platforms can enhance the learning process.

Developing games related to course content and implementing the aspects of gamified learning are the best ways of encouraging students to be active participants in online learning. The pandemic has increased the possibilities of online learning and the development of educational apps. So institutions should focus on developing the best possible solutions for encouraging student participation.