How Consumer Psychology is Influencing Web Design?

  Sarath       February 15, 2021

We were accustomed to aggressive marketing tactics such as pop-up ads while browsing a website or shopping online. But customers have turned out to be smarter and these age-old strategies won’t work well within today’s consumer circle. Maintaining customer presence on a website demands a unique web design appealing to them.

To be intact, while designing a website priority should be given to user engagement, which demands a  human-centered UI/UX. So the usage of design elements like colors, typography, font, graphics, and content should be determined only after analyzing the preferences of the audience.  

What to look for in Website Designs?

A website design should incorporate the following factors :

Content - The website should provide informational content.

Design - Follow cognitive design patterns.

Social Validations-Include customer reviews, images, testimonials, etc.

Font- Choose font style depending on the emotion you want the audience to feel, like the one that reflects your brand essence.

Eg: Most sites use Times New Roman or Sans Serif, which gives a feeling of authority and professionalism.

There are different techniques used to enhance the website design and bring in more consumers.

1) The Serial Position Effect

This refers to the user's tendency to recall the first and last items in a series. It is divided into two- primacy effect(remembering the first listed product) and recency effect( remembering the last listed product).

For example, placing the expensive item first on the plan. But the prices should be realistic with the customers kept in mind.

a. Navigation Menu Design

Place the most important links at the beginning and end of the menu to attract more audience response eg: contact us button, offers, about us

b. Highlight the Major Benefits

As a free service and offer price being listed as the first thing.

c. Optimising Page Content

The first section of the page highlighting the key idea and ending with a call to action.

2) The Von Restorff Effect

Also known as the isolation effect. This is all about making your customer remind about less important items using light, color, size, image, animation, etc.

a. Emphasize the CTA Button

Helps to make your customer perform an action like get in touch with you or buy a product. For this make these buttons more visible, increase the size, or use contrasting images.

b. Emphasise Items You Need to Sell First

Like highlighting plans as most popular or most recommended.

The Paradox of Choice

Too many options lead to no response or indecision from customers leading to lower sales.

- Limit the number of CTA buttons.

- Prevent infinite scrolling using load more or definitive paging allowing users to limit the number of items displayed.

- Reduce the number of default products on the home page.

- Enable smart filters to limit items displayed.

3) The Zeigarnik Effect

Focuses on the idea that incomplete tasks motivate people to think more about them. For example, showing the progress bar while completing the signup process, providing the users with badges for completed actions, and warning them about irreversible changes like deleting the account.

Web Design psychology means designing from the visitor's viewpoint. It adheres to the following characteristics;

a. Establishing Trust and Confidence

Don't force your customer. A good web design with clear navigation brings in customers.

b. Pattern consistency

Don't alter the basic pattern like the Z pattern with the logo in the top left corner. Changing the basics of designing will only make visitors uncomfortable and could lead to a decrease in traffic.

c. Visual Factors

Using eye-appealing and high-resolution images can help to attract customers.

d. Negative Space Concept

Proper use of white space between content helps customers to stay on the page.

Design psychology is the single most component that decides human interaction and web conversion rate. So it is important to understand consumer psychology and preferences before designing the website. A well-crafted design with inputs attracting the customers is the best way to grow your presence online rather than spamming.