How to Develop a Multiplayer Game?

  Sarath       April 29, 2021

A multiplayer game is a video game that offers the possibility of playing against one or more players by being part of the same game. PUBG, Call of Duty, Clash of  Clans are some of the most popular examples of multiplayer games. Multiplayer brings in the feel of live game playing with all players experiencing the thrill at the same time.

Multiplayer gaming was made possible through LAN in earlier days where people played at Internet cafes and using gaming consoles and with the development in technology, dedicated game servers have come in to enhance the multiplayer gaming experience.

Multiplayer game development requires a team of experts who can map the progress in each stage and take your game to the next level. The idea you have envisioned inside your head can be brought into life with precise planning with the team working behind the project.

Choosing the game engine purely relies on your preference. If you are looking to develop a heavy RPG or shooting game with an extravagant budget for high-end systems - Unreal would be the best option for you.

The first step is about getting your basics right! Before moving into the development side, you need to fix the framework for your game like the background, art, assets etc. It is important to have a clear understanding of the genre of your game, the characters and the setting of your game. Well drafted documentation about all the requirements for your game may help in avoiding any future confusion regarding the development process.

While Unity can be helpful if you have a limited budget and your game is developed for devices with fewer specifications. Each game engine has its preferred coding language and you can decide on which game engine to choose depending on your requirements.

And if you are looking for developing a multiplayer game in unity, you need to understand the Unity game engine, the language used and the features offered by Unity. It is one of the most recognised and widely used game engines for developing high-quality games.