What is Gamification?

  Bibin       January 31, 2020

Gamification can be considered as a new way of entertainment that utilizes the human’s fundamental desires such as learning, self-expression, achievement, competition and natural response to a situation such as gameplay. The initial approach to gamification was to give away rewards for players accomplishments like reward points, coins or any virtual currencies. Setting up leaderboards and letting them compete with players on higher levels was very prominent during the early days. 

Existing tasks are further converted into small mini-tasks inside the games as mini zones. Adding several choices and time based special rewards are also added in order to complete tasks effectively after guiding them through a well-detailed tutorial. 

Design Elements

Gamification applications are operated effectively based on the different elements that constitute in the game.  Among these typical games, design elements are points, avatars, leader-boards, performance graphs, badges, meaningful stories, and teammates.

Advantages of Gamification

1. Productivity

It is proven by research that the amount of drive in a resource to accomplish a particular task is solely based on the motivation they have. Gamification helps employees to stay motivated and hence improves their productivity.

2. Creativity

The best example is Google. Their offices are filled with gamified everyday elements that keep stress levels down and it improves creativity and commitment.  Having a stress free environment is essential for everyone in order to work effectively

3. Internal communication

Gamified techniques are implemented by human resource departments to train and entertain their employees, seeking feedback from employees can also be effectively done by gamification methods. Communication between different departments gets stronger as they interact with each other. 

4. Stimulates Innovation

Gamification creates an initiative for innovation in the organization and the ultimate recipe for success. Gamified learning ultimately leads to the growth of both the employee and the employer.

5. Develops specific skills

Using gamification, companies can develop specific skills in employees. Gamified training makes them get better in stress management, leadership, negotiation and communication skills. 

The new era is here. Brace yourself and witness undreamt changes in the way we live and work. Share this article with your nerdy friends. For more news about exciting innovations around the world, read our other blogs.